Cigarette Smoking was Glamorized in this 1937 Vintage Magazine Ad

Chesterfield used colorful appealing ads for their cigarettes. This one, from 1937, featured a young woman on a scooter, enjoying her Chesterfield cigarette while a handsome young man is sitting on a rock, resting from his hike, enjoying a Chesterfield cigarette also.

The tagline: Ride a bike and enjoy Chesterfields, They Satisfy. When smokers find the good things Chesterfields give them...nothing else will do.

Did this type of advice work in the 40s?

I found an interesting magazine ad from the 40s for Pond's Complexion Care products. It offered advice to women on putting him in the mood for matrimony! My favorite is:

WRONG to get huffy or possessive when he smiles at another female. You have to give a man some rope, or what's he going to hang himself with?

RIGHT to make mighty sure that no other girl can make you look faded! That's where your complexion casts the deciding vote. When he looks at you, let him see a complexion that radiated the loving care you give it with Pond's every night. The Other Woman menace will vanish in limbo.

Do you think the modern woman of the 40s bought into this hype or simply viewed it as humorous entertainment?

Heddon Lures are very Collectible

The most popular fishing lures, for over a century, are Heddon lures. They have been prized not only by collectors but also are the popular choice among anglers. These fine lures have been produced by Heddon since 1894. Their creator, James Heddon, actually developed the very first artificial lure for fishing.

The first lure marketed by Heddon was the Dowagiac. It started out as a wooden frog carved from a broomstick. It had sharp hooks and its head was made from a bottle cap.

The Story Of Pearl Culture

The Story Of Pearl Culture by Gen Wright

We are lucky to live in the 21st century - for this is the age when the largest and most beautiful pearls in human history are cultivated.

The history of cultured pearls in fairly young, slightly more than 100 years old.But it is fascinating history shaped by three generations devoting to and working towards an ideal of the perfect pearl, working in humility and harmony with the unpredictable forces of nature.

It all started in the 19th century, when the greedy fishing of pearl oysters for natural pearls led to the near depletion and scarcity of natural pearls. To meet the insatiable quest for more, ever bigger and ever rounder pearls, ingenious people observed the formation of natural pearls and attempted to copy the process of nature. A series of experiments were conducted in various parts of the world, but the consensus is that the first round pearls were successfully harvested in 1898 in Japan.

The History and Collecting of Snuff Bottles

The History and Collecting of Snuff Bottles by April Kerr

During the reign of the Qing dynasty of China smoking tobacco was prohibited and considered illegal. However the Chinese used the powdered form as a snuff for curing common ailments like cough, cold, headaches and stomach problems. Snuff was carried in small bottles as a medicine and is the same as the snuff box that was used by the Europeans. Later the use of snuff and snuff bottles was popularized by the elite class and it became a social norm to use snuff. Gradually the use of snuff spread to the remaining classes as well and greeting relatives and friends with a pinch of snuff became a common practice.

Snuff Bottles as a Status Symbol

The snuff bottles started becoming prominent as a means of displaying the class a person belonged to. The most rare and finest snuff bottles classified your status as the highest. The snuff bottles were looked upon as objects of beauty. They were of the size that could fit inside your palm and made of materials such as porcelain, wood, ivory, jade, ceramic, metal and even tortoiseshells. The most common material that was used was glass. They came with little spoons to extract the snuff. The European women used snuff bottles made of cut glass.

Where You Can Buy Collectible Cars And Toys

Where You Can Buy Collectible Cars And Toys
Where You Can Buy Collectible Cars And Toys by karl donald

Modern technology has made the lives of collectors much easier. In older days, a collector would have to search far and wide to get in touch with a seller, and then discuss the deal in person over several meetings. Now, if you want a collectible item you can use one of many different resources to find someone who can give you what you need. Here I will discuss some of the most popular resources, and how you can use them for your benefit. My main focus will be on collectible cars, mainly of the diecast variety. If this is your area in collectibles, then you may be able to learn something that will be quite helpful in your future dealings, and will perhaps help you find some invaluable additions to your collection.